Victorian State Titles Broadford State Motorcycle Complex

I competed the Victorian State Titles over the weekend just gone hosted by The Harley Club Of Victoria.

I raced in four classes over the weekend.

Pro Open Women's  - 1st Place

Slider Unlimited.        - 3rd Place

Pro Open.                     - 6th Place

Pro 450cc.                   - 7th Place

All my races over the weekend were hotley contested and it required maximum effort.

I won heat races in Pro Open which gave me a guaranteed 4th position gate pick in the Pro Open Final.

To be able to get a 4th gate pick in the premier class made super proud and excited. I rode hard and fast and came home in 6th place, pretty happy with this effort against very tough competition.

In the Pro 450cc I won one heat race,  and had to go through a repacharge (Last chance qualifier).

I came second place and had the #12 gate pick.  I came home in 7th place and was pretty chuffed with my efforts in this class.

I rode the Checkweigh Gm 500 in the Slider Unlimited Class, this was my first ever Title Race on a Slider and to get 3rd place, I am absolutely thrilled!

The ladies class I gained enough points to win the Pro Open ladies Title , this is my fourth consecutive title in this class and I’d like to thank all the ladies for their competition, it’s fantastic to see more ladies riding and having a go and improving their skills every time they ride. Well done ladies.


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